Full Name: Henry Tran
Blog / Website: http://www.techcx.blogspot.com
Tell us about yourself / your team:I am a devoted blogger/gamer/student/geek!
Tell us about your blog:A source for all users to find new tricks, news, and tips.
How did you get started:I have years of computer experience and decided to post my knowledge for all to see.
What is the source of your content:My source is the web and my years of experience.
Does your blog generate revenue? How:My blog has really small buttons that do not obstruct from the content.
How frequently do you write / post: I post everyday!
Who visits your blog? Tell us a little bit about your readers:My readers are the people who want to learn some tricks on using a computer. Mostly computer geeks, business owners, etc.
Do you consider yourself successful in blogging? Why:I do not consider myself successful yet, because I need more readers.
Do you blog full time? Do you have other jobs:I blog when I have free time from classes.
What sets you apart from other blogs?:I devote my time to this blog and provide knowledge that took me years to learn.
Any advice, suggestion, tips or a message for other bloggers:Content, Content, CONTENT!!!!
Would you like to add anything else: Nope, not really.

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